Sunday, November 02, 2008

Gratitude Sundays...

For about eight years now I've belonged to an online group for plus-sized women. These women are like family to me and have greatly enriched my life. Our moderator started "Gratitude Sundays" for the month of November in 2005. I am so excited by this weekly chance to examine all the wonderful parts of my life that I wanted to extend it to my blog. I encourage everyone that reads this to participate. It truly is uplifting.

So without further ado here is this year's first entry for "Gratitude Sundays"...

I am continually thankful for...

God's presence in my life that keeps me safe, healthy, happy, sane, & inspired.

My loving family & friends especially those who touch my life on a daily basis - Cleggy, WendyDarling, Terry (& their family), Margo, KwizGiver, Violet Mistress, Maria, Andrew, Cormac, DC, my brothers - John & Mikey, my sister (& her gorgeous children), & all FOUR of my parents - Mommy, Pops, Dad, & Joan.

The chance to transfer so that I was able to move in with my brother, John, and keep the job that I love so much.

Living with my brother. I love being close to him. I enjoyed living alone, but I missed him and the dogs so very much. Now we all live together so I don't miss them and we're in a big enough space that I can have all the alone time I could ever want or need.

Books. I LOVE to read and have been known to read the backs of cans in pantry in desperation. We all owe a huge thanks to Johannes Gutenberg who invented the printing press in 1439. He's my kind of guy. :)

The opportunity every day to interact with friends & loved ones all over the world through the internet. God bless whoever really did invent it. Even Al Gore. :P

So, have you counted your blessings today?


WendyDarling said...

Fantastic post! And we are very grateful for you too. :-)

Cormac Brown said...

Great post.

Gutenberg and the group of people that brought us the Internet, all of them deserve a place in Heaven. At the very least, they have kept me sane ; )